"As 'Frases que Batem no Peito' nascem de um conjunto de vivências, de introspecções e de pensamentos que são inerentes a qualquer artista. São causadas por pessoas e suas canções, que geram movimentos internos conflitantes, porém, evolutivos e libertadores."
"The 'Phrases that Hit the Chest' are born from a set of experiences, introspections and thoughts that are inherent to any artist. They are caused by people and their songs, which generate conflicting internal movements, but which are evolutionary and liberating."

- Márcio Kbecinha
"Percussionists often joke about "tempo", but in real life, the "tempo" cannot be manipulated. You need to be patient and respect the cycles. If you lose the beat, don't despair, take a break and, little by little, everything will fall into place. Rhythm and life pulse!"
"If in the end of the day what really matters is being happy, pay close attention to the people who make you vibrate differently and makes you smile."
"If there's one thing I'm trying to leave behind, it's fear. Do you know why? Because it has a habit of leaving us in a false sense of security. Fear of learning, fear of changing, and fear of loving are some of them, but the fear of getting hurt is the most common. There's a guy who used to skateboard, he fell and get up several times, and he sang to us that "fear blinds our dreams." Our enemies are within!"
Author: Márcio Kbecinha  - Illustrations: Lucas Chaves - Text review: Thais Geraldi
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Instagram: @lucas_chaves_ilustra      E-mail: lucaschavesilustra@gmail.com
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